Our second annual Human Library Fort Wayne MAIN event will be held at the Allen County Public Library. At the Human Library, people from your very own community become 'open books', sharing their story with Readers (that's you!) who 'check them out' for a short time to listen and dialogue. It's a great opportunity to talk with someone you may never otherwise meet in order to open to new ideas and experiences.
We’re so grateful for the support of our main sponsor, Trinity English Lutheran Church.
Follow our Facebook event page for more updates as the date approaches.
If you are interested in volunteering for this event, we’d love to have you! Please visit our volunteer Librarian sign-up link.

Taste of the Arts Festival - downtown Fort Wayne
Stop back here later as the date approaches for more details and follow our Facebook page for updates.

TRINITY ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH - 450 W. Washington Blvd. Fort Wayne
Stop back here later as the date approaches for more details and follow our Facebook page for updates.

BSU Human Library Pop-Up event
We were thrilled to partner with Dr. Ruby Cain and her graduate students in Ball State University's Cultural Identities and Community Engagement course for this pop-up event. This event was held at Plymouth Congregational Church at 501 W. Berry Street. The students and Dr. Cain came up from Muncie to Fort Wayne to participate in and learn from this April 13th pop-up so they could then plan their own Human Library event in Muncie at a later date.
This event was free and open to the public. Twenty of our human Books were present to share their stories with Readers who came to ‘check them out.’

Human Library Pop-Up Event
Our first HLFW Pop-Up Event is slated for Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2019, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in the Walb Ballroom at Purdue Fort Wayne (PFW.) We are thrilled to partner with Alisa Thompson, Asst Dir of the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs. This event is for PFW students as well as the general public. Many of our beloved Books will be present to share their stories with Readers who are eager to listen, dialogue and learn. We hope to see you there!